Since I was a child, I’ve always liked photography.It was like keeping a memory in a photo without erasing or forgetting it.I’m 11 years old, so I’m obviously a beginner.I take photos and edit them on Picnik, but that’s as far as I’m going right now.But I’m hoping that in the future, I’ll be an official photographer.Well, this is a random photo I took, no editing[:

Beautiful Image.

Beautiful image.

“I don’t need glasses to realize you’re beautiful.”One of my favorite quotes.So far, I’ve learned that quotes are important in photography, too.Technically, photos are quotes.But in photos, you can’t read the quote, but you can see it.

Smile.Your beautiful.

Smile.You're beautiful.

This is my other recent photo, it’s not that good but at least it shows a good quote.”Smile, you’re beautiful.” It’s what anybody would want to hear from another family member, or friend, or anyone!

Animee for Beginners.

Well, I know this was blog was kind of short, so sorry :c But thanks a lot for getting the time to read this![:

Oh and by the way, if you have experience in photography, or have an interest in it, can you comment some advice?Thanks [: